
Bridging the Distance: Forging Connections with Islamic Art at the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Orientations Hong Kong


“At the first meeting of the IAAC…Tirzah Khan, an Ahmadi Muslim artist, graphic designer, and 2021 graduate of the University of Maryland Baltimore County, starkly spotlighted the main issue at the core of the installation by asking how we intended to ‘bridge the distance’ between the historical art on view and real people’s—and specifically Baltimoreans’—lived experience.”

UMBC together: Graduating Retrievers reflect on building community through conversations, UMBC News


“She brought the Retriever Tales podcast to life, featuring authentic conversations with Retrievers about what brought them to UMBC, what it means to them to be here, and what hopes they have for the UMBC community…Moving, inspiring, funny, and thought-provoking, the show is a testament to Khan’s own UMBC experience and a broader culture of co-creating community at UMBC.”

TEDxUMBC brings community together through “Unmasking Uncertainty”, UMBC News


“Tirzah Khan…led the TEDxUMBC team in organizing the event. When the planning committee chose their theme, she says, they did not anticipate the global pandemic, the resurgence in demands for racial justice, and a divisive election. ‘In these unprecedented circumstances, TEDxUMBC seeks to provide answers and build community,’ Khan reflects.”

A focus on student engagement, The Baltimore Sun


Students reflect on UMBC’s top-ten finish in national democracy challenge and post-election community conversations, UMBC News


SEB will maintain connective role during the fall semester, The Retriever


Retrievers focus on community to prepare for a fall semester unlike any before, UMBC News


Artists Show Us What It Means To Be Muslim Through Art,


© Tirzah Khan